Workshops sculpture modeling and sculpting in stone, courses sculpture modeling and Artclasses in the Netherlands and Belgium.
We organize Artactivities in Leiden (Zuid- Holland), The Kaag (Amsterdam Lakes) Leiden, Warmond, (Zuid-Holland), Nisse (Zeeland), Spa, (Ardennen, Belgium).
Workshops on the lakes of Leiden (De Kaag, Kagerplassen) also called the Amsterdam Lakes)
Rederij Art Cruises/ Varend Atelier
Artcruises offers you and your friends (max. 8 persons) the possibility to visit an outstanding beautiful part of Holland. It is an area of lakes near Leiden and not far from Amsterdam. Its both cultural and natural landscape with its windmills and farms is famous.
You can book a day trip to discover it by yacht.
In advance you can make a choise for an artteacher who will give you a workshop. You can do a workshop in modelling, painting, writing poetry, writing and composing a song, playing African drums, making pictures.
We teach at an island of the Kagerplassen. For more information you can send an email or give a call. The teachers all speak English and some do speak french and german as well.
The yacht is easy to reach from Leiden Central Station by bus of taxi. We start in the innercity of Leiden
Phone: 0031(0)6-21442186
Special millcruises
You can visit Molen de Valk the “Stellingkorenmolen” ( tower mill) in the inner city of Leiden.
‘De Valk’ (The Falcon) is a tower mill, dating from 1743. It has seven floors, all of which are open to the public. Visit this beautifull and large mill first. It still got the original interior which was left by the last member of the millers family van Rhijn. From tuesday till saturday the mill is open to the public from 10.00 AM. At sunday it opens later. You will spend about one hour in the mill. Afterwards you can book a mill cruise.
You pass the mills of the “Kagerplassen” by yacht. You will take a close look at the mills you only can visit by using a ship. We are flexible so you got the time to make good pictures of the mills and the beautiful dutch landscape of the lake district.
Groups of a maximum of 8 people. Costs par group Euro 250,– for about 3 hours. Allways call 0031(0)6-21442186 and book.
Jeroen Spijker MA in Arthistory/ Architectural history
Workshops in studio Haagweg 4
Workshops for a group of children ( see
Workshops are given by professional and well known sculptors, painters, poets and musicians of the Netherlands
These artists and art teachers developed workshops that can be considered as good fun. They go with a high artistic value. It is our aim to organize a special afternoon for you and your friends or colleges and surprise you with your own results and make it an unforgettable day in your life.
It is possible to follow a workshop modelling, drawing with watercolor pencils and painting. Call 06 21442186
Children workshop animal sculpture modeling
Favorite for childrenparties!
We select an animal that will inspire us. We look for the right masurements. It is great if the animal is recognisable and you can take home the sculpture you made together with your friends! This workshop takes 1.5 hours. You will find more information at materials are included. You can Call: 06 21442186
Workshop drawing with watercolourpencils:
Most people don’t know they exist. After drawing you can make a watercolour. The results are great, you will be surprised.
1) Workshop Flowerdrawing with watercolourpencil
We can make a drawing of coloured bottles or flowers. You learn to see the right measurements. You will be surprised by the the artistic results. Location Haagweg 4. For more information see Materials are included.
Workshop Comic-drawing
Comic- drawing is a day workshop that will take two times 1,5 hours. A lunch will be the break. We will write and draw a comic with a climax. You will have lots of fun, a comic needs good jokes!
Location: Artist centre Haagweg 4, See for more information. incl. materials. Call 06 21442186
Workshop Sculpture Modeling:
In the large artist studio of sculptor Jeroen Spijker you can follow a workshop with a group of friends, people you work with or family members. You will have a very good experience and you will be surprised by the results!
We can accommodate groups of 25 persons (or even larger)
The workshop takes 1,5 uur: incl. materials, excl. VAT. This is a popular workshop in Leiden: You will find more information at call 06 21442186
Day arrangement:
We can advise you for an arrangement, think of a visit to the new Egyptian department of Rijksmuseum van Oudheden or the Museum van volkenkunde in Leiden in the morning, a picknick in de Hortus Botanicus, a modelling workshop in the afternoon, a drink and a dinner in the Leiden city centre. This all at walking distance!
Call: 06-21442186.
Personalized workshop
Probably you have an idea yourself and you want it to be realized. Get informed about the possibilities.
Summeracademy Leidse Hout
Dayprogram summeracademy:
During the summer, in June, July, and August it is possible to follow an artworkshop week from 10.00 to 12.30. In the surroundings of ‘Theehuis De Leidse Hout’. We will work as a group. The animals that are kept at De Leidsehout are possible subjects for our classes. It is possible to paint, to draw, to model in clay and even to sculpt in Alabaster.
€195,00 incl. BTW per person per week. You have to bring your own materials. Parking is possible or come by bus/ walk from Central Station Leiden.
June 2025
week 23, start 2t of june: Adults: modelling, sculpting, painting
week 24, start 9th of june: idem
week 25, start 16th of june: idem
week 26, start 23th of june: idem
July 2025
week 27 start 30th of july: idem
week 28 start 7th of july: idem
week 29 start 14th of july: idem
week 30 start 21th of july: This is a special week. Lessons for adults from 11.00 to 13.00 and a lunchbreak in Theehuis de Leidse Hout (lunch and drinks not included) and lessons between 14.00 and 16.00. Costs: Euro 385,–
August 2025
week 31 start 28th of july
week 32 start 4th of august: This is a special week. Lessons for adults from 11.00 to 13.00 and a lunchbreak in Theehuis de Leidse Hout (lunch and drinks not included) and lessons between 14.00 and 16.00. Costs: Euro 385,–
week 33 start 11th of august
(week 34 start 18th of august: Special week: lessons between 11.00 and 13.00 pm., and lessons between 14.00 and 16.00 pm.) not possible to participate)
week 35 start 25 august: This is a special week. Lessons for adults from 11.00 to 13.00 and a lunchbreak in Theehuis de Leidse Hout (lunch and drinks not included) and lessons between 14.00 and 16.00. Costs: Euro 385,-)
September 2024
Week 36 start 1st of september: This is a special week. Lessons for adults from 11.00 to 13.00 and a lunchbreak in Theehuis de Leidse Hout (lunch and drinks not included) and lessons between 14.00 and 16.00. Costs: Euro 385,-)
Eveningprogram summeracademy sculpting/modelling/painting/drawing 2025 :
Evening course per week. The week of the longest day! Start: Week 25 (16 to 20th of June) classes every evening between 7.15 pm and 9.15 pm (or until sunset if earlier) in the Leidse Hout. This program has been specially developed for people who work during the day but like to be artistically active in the summer evenings. For adults, beginners and advanced. You can sculpt, model, paint and draw. Costs €192.50 per week
Avondcursus per week. De week van de langste dag! Start: Week 25 (16 tot en met 20 juni) elke avond les tussen 19.15 uur en 21.15 uur ( of tot zonsondergang indien dat eerder is) in de Leidse Hout. Dit programma is speciaal ontwikkeld voor mensen die overdag werken maar in de zomeravonden graag artistiek actief zijn. Voor volwassenen, beginners en gevorderden. Je kunt beeldhouwen, boetseren, schilderen en tekenen. Kosten €192,50 per week
De week van de langste dag! Avondprogramma week 25
At you will find more information.
Artist and master in the history of art Jeroen Spijker helps you during the artistic and technical process. You can work figurative as well as abstract. The teaching is individually orientated. A good working climate and fun as well as good results are our aim.
The artcourse is open for beginners and experienced amateur artists.
You have to bring with you your own artistic materials and equipment. ‘Theehuis De Leidse Hout’ can offer us a shelter if necessary.
Drinks and food are not included, you can order them on your own expenses at ‘Theehuis De Leidse Hout’. It is possible to park the car for low costs.
Location: Theehuis De Leidsehout, Houtlaan 100 Leiden.
You can participate by clicking at the formular, name the week number you want to join the Summeracademy. You get an answer if enough people have joined the club to start the course.
Leiden Sculpting and Modelling Course.
Start: Tuesdayevening the 7th of januari 2025. The course consists of 10 lessons in a row. Costs € 315,– incl. VAT Time: 19.30 – 22.00 uur., students and people that work for Leiden University/Hogeschool Leiden can get a discount on the price.)
Start Thursdayevening the 9th of januari 2025. The course consists of 10 consecutive lessons. Costs €299,– incl. VAT Start: 19.30 – 22.00 uur
Incl. Coffee and thee. excl. materials. Also for students Leiden University, LKV, students arthistory, Creative therapy, Artacademy( KABK).
Sculpting Course Leiden, also for expats and students from abroad. 10 consecutive lessons. Call for information 06 21 44 21 86.
Sculpting, Modelling and Painting week Leidse Hout
In Leidse Hout Leiden/ Oegstgeest we organise a special workshopweeks “en plein air”. The ‘Waterlely’ is the spot for the best decor you can wish for our artistic seaching. You can sculpt in alabaster or work with clay. A theehouse to lunch and have coffee is located at 50 meters distance.
You will get a training by sculptor and arthistorian Jeroen Spijker.
The lessons take place from monday till friday. 11.00 tot 13.00, lunch between 13.00 – 14.00 pm, lessons: 14.00 till 16.00 pm.
Look at the programm ‘Summeracademy Leidse Hout’ You can participate by inscribing a formular at ( see header ‘Zomeracademie Leidse Hout’
Costs: €385,– VAT included
adress: Houtlaan 100 Leiden
The course will start if there is a minimum of participators